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 High School


Classes and Majors

We believe that in addition to learning Torah, our students should aspire to develop intellectual curiosity and acquire knowledge.

Therefore, our students study all of the subjects required for a full Bagrut Certificate, which prepares them for higher education in the best possible way.

Our students learn all of the basic subjects, such as math, English, history, and so forth.


Our Majors:

We offer several majors for the students to choose from:


Physics - This is our most prestigious major.

It combines knowledge, understanding, imagination and curiosity. Students majoring in physics need an open mind and strong math skills.


Biology – The study of biology allows us to see the laws, the harmony, the contrasts and the beauty of the world around us, and can prepare students to live wisely. The Rambam says that studying this subject brings us to faith in G-d: "How can we come to love and be in awe of G-d? When man studies His wonderful, tremendous creations and sees how infinitely wise He is, one immediately loves, praises and has a great desire to know G-d."


Israel Studies – We love getting to know the Land of Israel, and so with humility and faith we learn about the Land, touring and connecting to our roots by walking where our holy forefathers walked.

This major combines geology, geography, topography, flora and fauna, the Bible, history and archeology. These areas of knowledge are connected in fascinating ways, together providing a timeline of the area.


Robotics – We've introduced the study of robotics this year to give our students the basics of tomorrow's technology, giving them the tools to integrate fully into society.

This major prepares students for higher education in the field of Engineering and High Tech companies. Studies are both theoretical and practical, and we are building new labs for this purpose.


Electrical Engineering – This major involves both theory and practical, professional knowledge. Students learn at a very high level, and upon graduation are fully equipped to continue studying towards becoming Practical Engineers or Engineers. Additionally, graduates are highly sought after in elite technological units in the IDF. Students can also receive an electrician's license upon graduation, providing them with a respectable and prestigious profession.


History – Students usually take history as a second major. We live in the present, and can sometimes have a narrow view that doesn't include the past or the future.

The Torah says: "Remember days past, understand the past generations" (Deuteronomy 32,7).

This verse has two parts. The first part, "Remember days past," means to learn history, about events that happened in the past. The second part is: "understand past generations." Historical processes are deeper than meets the eye. Underneath the external reality there is an internal one: G-d is leading the world, and if we don't understand this inner reality, we can't understand anything.

